A regional group of the Alabama Art Education Association comprised of visual art teachers located in Southeast Alabama, primarily in Mobi
The Kiln Studio & Gallery is in downtown Fairhope, Alabama, and functions as both a gallery, showcasing work by regional and nationall
Stories have long been a part of human culture and used, not only to delight, but to instruct and lead. And we’ve been entertaining and
The Chickasaw Civic Theatre was formed in 1963. That first season of 1963-64 saw the group perform Our Town, Charlie’s Aunt, The Mo
A pioneer in the world of women in business, Kathryn Cariglino started the Women’s Yellow Pages of the Gulf Coast in 1989 and went on to
A native Alabamian, Janet Hinton works in a variety of media. She has an MFA from the University of Alabama and taught on the college leve
The Mobile Opera is one of the oldest performing arts organizations in the country and the oldest Performing Arts organization in Alabama.
Susan’s paintings of the Gulf Coast trace a response to its unique landscape: from Mobile Bay to the deltas of Mississippi and Louisiana
The African Boutique is owned by Adja Sissoko. She sells handmade clothing and accessories utilizing traditional African fabrics and style
The Mystic Order of the Jazz Obsessed (MOJO) is dedicated to the preservation, performance, and vigorous promotion of Americas original mu